In that location are many products available that are not originally meant for the aspiring model terrain maker, but nevertheless provide us with the right tools to recreate nature. One of these products is the Golden Crackle Paste. Being an acrylic effect paste that – as the proper noun suggests – cracks during the curing procedure, information technology supplies us with the perfect means to depict dried out lakebeds, just also croaky ice or even lava.

In this short review I document the curing process over several days and show 2 of the terrain pieces I made using the crackle paste, namely a dry lake equally well as  a frozen lake with cracked surface and a snow-covered tree.

frozen lake, 28mm, 15mm, tutorial, daggerandbrush, Golden Crackle Paste, barren tree, snow, Khael Stonekindle, Reaper Miniatures
Khael was cursing in his bristles. It had been snowing for days, at to the lowest degree his pipe provided a scrap of solace.

Golden Crepitation Paste – Backdrop

The paste has a very light, fluffy consistency that can be hands spread out on a surface with a spatula. The thicker the application, the deeper the cracks and fissures and the longer information technology volition take for the paste to dry out.

Golden does non recommend to add h2o, retarder or other additives, as this can ruin the effect. I practical the paste on a piece of sealed MDF and smoothed the surface out with a spatula. The thickness of awarding was 2mm.

  • After 12 hours first cracks did show.
  • 24 hours later the cracks got bigger and some effectively fissures developed.
  • 36 hours afterwards the new fissures got wider.
  • After 48 hours the curing process was mostly finished. Some of the finer fissures did once again increase in size.

The cured paste adheres well to the sealed MDF, but on other materials such as polystyrene it needs a topcoat to fix information technology in identify. I used thinned downwards acrylic medium, but PVA will practice a skillful chore, too. The surface is hard, yet brittle, so top coating is by and large speaking a good idea. Even though the paste is fluffy when commencement applied, it does shrink a fair fleck and will thus withstand normal gaming utilize without problems. The surface can now be painted with acrylic paint and washes to achieve the result yous are after.

The cracking procedure produces rather big floes and is not very suitable for smaller scales. Here other products provide a improve event. Check out the Terranscapes review of a product called Kroma Crackle which produces a texture akin to a mosaic. Information technology is possible to control the cracking to an extend, equally a thinner awarding does seem to produce smaller floes. However, too sparse and no cracks show at all. It is a good idea to make some examination pieces get-go and run across how the paste behaves on different surfaces. I strongly propose against any unsealed or absorbent surface. Those soak up the paste and consequence in a sparse, flaky layer (bank check out the Terranscapes clip to meet this effect).

What can nosotros do with it?

While it has its limitations I come across a number of uses for the Gold Crackle Paste. My first three attempts were a dry lake bed, a lava lake besides as a frozen lake.

All three pieces are fairly uncomplicated. Additive utilise of the crepitation paste works for a dry lake bed or a lava lake. A subtractive approach is well suited for a frozen lake: After the paste is dry out some floes are removed to reveal water.

Barren trees – the copper wire method

The procedure to brand the trees follows more or less the method outlined in my oak tutorial. However, this fourth dimension the finer ramifications are made of copper wire, not body of water moss. They are very flexible and withstand quite a fleck of handling. However, if 1 overdoes it the blanket tin can crack. That said, they won't rip, every bit the copper wire is only too strong. This is an advantage in comparison to ocean moss. Y'all tin also shape the branches to a certain extend. All big copse are magnetised and tin can be easily removed should there be the need.

desert lake, dry lake, dry river bed, 28mm, 15mm, tutorial, daggerandbrush, water hole, animal tracks

Water holes with murky water

The h2o effect in the water hole is simply several layers of Liquitex gloss varnish mixed with a brownish wash and a hint of grey acrylic pigment. You really need to apply several sparse layers and brand sure to pop any bubbles to get an even surface. The snake in the groundwork is from the trusty Busch Kleintierset. I painted information technology up as a typical desert serpent.

desert lake, dry lake, dry river bed, 28mm, 15mm, tutorial, daggerandbrush, water hole, animal tracks

Snow – not so easy

While there are skillful products available to depict snowfall, I used the one-time bicarbonate of soda method. Information technology is of importance that yous use a mucilage or medium that contains no acidic components, as this seems to cause the bicarbonate to xanthous over time. If you are worried add together some white paint and as a terminal step seal your piece of work with matte varnish. I mixed the baking soda into some Golden Acrylic Gel Gloss. For the ice floes I used Acrylic Gel Matte, to requite the advent of thick ice, which does not have a strong lustre. Subsequently y'all applied the paste sprinkle some more bicarbonate of soda on tiptop. A very expert production for snow furnishings are so chosen microballoons, a filler product for resin casting. I sourced a local supplier and will requite that product a effort, too.

frozen lake, 28mm, 15mm, tutorial, daggerandbrush, Golden Crackle Paste, barren tree, snow

I hope you lot enjoyed this brusque review of the Golden Crackle Paste and information technology inspires you lot to give it a try yourself. My old friend Khael was non really impressed, but he is a grumpy old dwarf.