
Ringing Of The Bells Poem

Andrew has a dandy interest in all aspects of poetry and writes extensively on the subject. His poems are published online and in print.

Anne Sexton

Anne Sexton

Anne Sexton And A Summary of "Ringing Of Bells"

"Ringing of Bells" is based on Anne Sexton's actual feel as a psychiatric patient in a mental institution, following bouts of depression and suicidal attempts.

It is a subtle yet powerful poem, like a monologue, full of imagery and observation; it has figurative linguistic communication besides, which adds to the inner tension as the poem progresses.

The initial lines are influenced by children's nursery rhymes—possibly "This Is The Firm That Jack Built" and "Here We Go Circular The Mulberry Bush"—two old rhymes that are unremarkably sung past groups of children. The rhythmic impulse and some internal rhyme certainly comes from this source . . . and this is the way . . . and this is the gray . . . and this is always.

As the reader moves through the verse form the atmosphere changes, from one of innocence and lightheartedness to a slightly arctic darkness, the speaker resenting having to participate in an activity that makes her feel out of place, which she feels does little good.

Anne Sexton's life with mental illness has been well documented over the years. From her letters and actions, it is plain to see that she was a troubled soul—poetry gave her the adventure to smoothen a light into the abyss and find a fashion out, albeit temporarily.

Her brand of confessional verse bankrupt new ground; she touched upon subjects that were, at the time, taboo. With raw power, audacious language and vivid imagery she dug deep and managed to put her angst into many of her poems. And because she was a woman, she helped interruption down barriers whilst dividing opinion.

A performer (she fronted a ring whilst reading her poetry), a mother, and a former model, Anne Sexton was many things to many different people. Thankfully, her inner discipline helped create poetry that still intrigues and shocks.

"Ringing of Bells" is an early attempt to put her experiences into some kind of order. It is a short litany on a theme of helplessness; the speaker feels like a misfit all the same cannot turn down to participate in what is accounted an exercise of no do good to the crazy ladies.

"Ringing The Bells"

And this is the way they band the bells in Bedlam and this is the bell-lady who comes each Tuesday morn to give usa a music lesson and because the attendants make you go and because we mind past instinct, like bees defenseless in the wrong hive, we are the circle of crazy ladies who sit down in the lounge of the mental firm and grinning at the grinning adult female who passes us each a bell, who points at my hand that holds my bong, E flat, and this is the gray wearing apparel next to me who grumbles equally if it were special to exist quondam, to be one-time, and this is the small hunched squirrel daughter on the other side of me who picks at the hairs over her lip, who picks at the hairs over her lip all twenty-four hour period, and this is how the bells really sound, as untroubled and make clean every bit a workable kitchen, and this is ever my bell responding to my hand that responds to the lady who points at me, E flat; and although we are not improve for it, they tell you to go. And y'all practise.

Line By Line Analysis of "Ringing of Bells"

Ringing of Bells results from Anne Sexton's need to write downwards her immediate experiences in lodge to try and understand them. It as well reflects her involvement in nursery rhyme and the diverse rhythms contained therein.

Being a creative poet she experimented with the erstwhile and new—borrowing from traditional sources and giving it a modern and personal twist. In this poem the speaker is one with the poet, the voice coming straight from the poet's mind.

Lines 1 - 7

Starting off a poem with the word And might be seen as a run a risk or a cop-out only it works well in this case, giving the impression that the reader has joined proceedings that take already begun or every bit part of a continuum.

Bedlam means chaos, uproar or madness and entered the language as a nickname of one of the start mental asylums in the world, Bethlem Majestic Infirmary in London, UK.

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The first seven lines brand a sub-clause total of repetition, just similar the ringing, with each line enjambed—without punctuation—taking the reader on through natural caesura (pauses).

As the simple lines move forth, the reader might puzzle over line seven . . . and considering nosotros mind by instinct . . . is this the ladies minding, that is, they practise not like having to go to bell-ringing merely cannot articulate their feelings?

Lines 8 - twenty

  • The side by side line, line viii, supports this view that the ladies aren't quite correct with the situation. Instinctually, similar wrongly hived bees, they perhaps know they should be somewhere else.

Because they're not, the speaker sees them as crazy ladies, smiling, existence given a bell each.

  • And in lines thirteen/14 the reader gets a real idea of the disassociative element of tone when the speaker refers to my hand/that holds my bell that slightly discrete experience coming across with chill upshot.

Is the speaker in control or is she not? Overall, she is not.

Either side of the speaker are other ladies, presumably, but one is only a gray dress there is no humanity described or suggested. It'southward the grey dress that grumbles, non a person.

The other person is a hunched squirrel girl picking at hairs over her lip . . . which she does each day. These are non very positive lines, only they are true to the verse form itself, for this speaker is somehow remote, non dealing with real humans, real feelings.

Lines 22 - 29

In line 22 the word really carries much weight. The audio of the bells is untroubled and clean . . . in contrast to the lives of the ladies, which are anything merely.

  • This is the one indicate in the poem where reality hits home. Natural sounds are related to domesticity. The workable kitchen becomes something much more - something to aspire to, a dream situation.

So the speaker is somewhat trapped inside this bong-ringer's circumvolve. There is no getting out of it, they have to go and ring, they have to respond to the bell-lady when she points at their individual hands.

Further Assay of "Ringing of Bells"

"Ringing of Bells" is a single stanza verse form of 29 lines. It is in complimentary poesy, there being no rhyme scheme and no set meter.

The whole poem is made up of ii sentences, the first really long, the 2d extremely short. Information technology's equally if the speaker has taken a deep breath and just reeled off a clarification of what happens in the bell circle each Tuesday morning. And right at the terminate has to justify what they do, despite the fact that ringing the bells doesn't make them feel any ameliorate.


The tone is distanced and resigned. The speaker has no choice but to take part in this supposedly therapeutic activity and expresses herself with child-like, mechanical repetition. There is no joy or feeling of happiness in the verse form. The speaker simply complies, a bit like an automaton.


There are rhythms inside various lines that mimic the ringing of bells and the silences between rings. Punctuation helps to reinforce this effect, as in lines nine-17, where lines are reduced in length equally rhythms alter and pauses echo the silences.

Anapaests, feet with 2 unstressed beats and i stressed shell, give the effect of quick quick deadening, like the different bells existence rung:

  • who sit / in the lounge / of the men / tal business firm
  • and smile / at the smil / ing wohuman

Poetic Devices - Simile

Note the simile in line 8 . . . the ladies are like bees caught in the incorrect hive . . . this is a strange surroundings the ladies detect themselves in. They feel equally if they're lost in an unfamiliar place, unable to communicate properly, without a goal.

And in lines 23/24 . . . the sound of the bells is as untroubled and clean/ equally a workable kitchen . . . this leading to the thought of efficient domesticity, the kitchen being an environment which many of the ladies perhaps had once been used to.


As the reader progresses through the verse form information technology becomes clear that the word and for instance is repeated many times. In fact, it is used 10 times to get-go a line. This repeated utilise instills a feeling of monotony and sameness, reflecting the weekly practice and the colorlessness of being told what to do each time.

The give-and-take who starts 8 lines, perhaps to suggest the idea that the ladies in the circle exercise not know who they are really are, relative to each other.


At that place are one or ii examples of alliteration, which brings texture and interest phonetically:

bells in Bedlam. . . . hairs over her . . . tell yous to.


The Hand of the Poet, Rizzoli, 2005

Norton Album, Norton, 2005

Being Alive, Bloodaxe, Neil Astley, 2004

© 2018 Andrew Spacey

Andrew Spacey (writer) from Sheffield, Uk on March sixteen, 2018:

Appreciate the visit to Anne Sexton'southward poem.

Dianna Mendez on March 16, 2018:

Interesting verse form that brings i to an sensation of how the listen is active beyond what we can see.

Ringing Of The Bells Poem,


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